Complaints Policy

The Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth is committed to providing high quality services to children, youth, and young adults.

If you have a complaint about our work or service, we want to listen, understand, and learn from your concerns in order to improve our services.

What is a complaint? Any dissatisfaction with a service.

Who can make a complaint? Anyone can make a complaint, including making a complaint on someone else’s behalf.

How can a complaint be made?

Please complete the form below to make a complaint.

If you would like to submit a PDF form via email, please download the form and send the completed form to:

If you prefer to communicate on the phone or need help filling out the form, you can also:


Information on this form is confidential and will only be used internally to respond to issues identified. We do accept anonymous complaints; however, our ability to address your concern may be limited if we have clarifying questions and we do not have your name and contact information.

Are you filling this form on behalf of someone else?(Required)
Which MACY Program is your complaint about?(Required)


MM slash DD slash YYYY
What happened? Please provide us with as much information as possible including who was involved, critical dates, actions on those dates, and the issue
Staff involved, if any
Leave this blank if you do not know or remember


  • Your complaint will be acknowledged within two days.
  • You will be contacted by a manager or executive in charge of addressing your concern.
  • Your concern will undergo a fair and impartial review or, if warranted, an investigation.
  • A response will be communicated to you in writing.
  • Opportunities to appeal and elevate your concerns will be provided.
  • The Advocate provides final assessment of any unresolved complaints and it is up to them to determine course of action.

Download the Complaints Process Flowchart (PDF)