The Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth is committed to providing high quality services to children, youth, and young adults.
If you have a complaint about our work or service, we want to listen, understand, and learn from your concerns in order to improve our services.
What is a complaint? Any dissatisfaction with a service.
Who can make a complaint? Anyone can make a complaint, including making a complaint on someone else’s behalf.
How can a complaint be made?
Please complete the form below to make a complaint.
If you would like to submit a PDF form via email, please download the form and send the completed form to:
If you prefer to communicate on the phone or need help filling out the form, you can also:
Information on this form is confidential and will only be used internally to respond to issues identified. We do accept anonymous complaints; however, our ability to address your concern may be limited if we have clarifying questions and we do not have your name and contact information.