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Breaking the Cycle: An update on the use of segregation and solitary confinement in Manitoba youth custody facilities (PDF)

Learning from Nelson Mandela: A Report on the Use of Solitary Confinement and Pepper Spray in Manitoba Youth Custody Facilities (PDF)

2016 Reports

Don’t Call me Resilient: What Loss and Grief Look Like for Children and Youth in Care (2016)

Children Need Families, Not Courtrooms: Alternatives to Adversarial Litigation in Child Welfare (March 2016)

The Changing Face Of Youth Suicide In Manitoba And The Narrow Window For Intervention: Manitoba Children’s Advocate Releases Phase Two Report (May 2016)

2015 Reports

The Changing Face Of Youth Suicide In Manitoba And The Narrow Window For Intervention: Manitoba Children’s Advocate Releases Phase One Report (May 2015)

Declaration of Reconciliation (June 2015)

Safe for Today: Barriers to Long-Term Success for Youth in Care with Complex Needs (July 2015)

2014 Reports

Letter to the Council of the Federation – The Need for a National Dialogue about Indigenous Children and Youth (August 2014)

2013 Reports

2012 Reports

2011 Reports

Submission to the House of Commons – An Act to Amend the Youth Criminal Justice Act (March 2011)

2010 Reports

2009 Reports

2006 Reports

2004 Reports


2019-2020 Child Death Review Roll Up (PDF)

2018-2019 Child Death Review Roll-Up (PDF)


2012 Newsletters

2011 Newsletters

2010 Newsletters

2008 Newsletters

2007 Newsletters

2006 Newsletters

Much of the work we do at MACY is bound by confidentiality. This is important since in the work of protecting children, youth, and their families, we become aware of highly sensitive and personal information in order to conduct accurate and thorough analysis of the issues affecting Manitoba’s young people. In our work across the province, we see trends and key issues that are common to many children and youth and are committed to educating the public about those issues in an effort to improve the lives of children and youth. We are excited to be able to offer the following information sheets as part of our public education efforts.

The Megaphone explores issues for three unique audiences: youth, service providers, and the general public. Each edition of The Megaphone focuses on a different theme our staff sees in the work we do around the province. You are encouraged to view, read, print, and share one or all of them.

Issue 14: SPECIAL EDITION – Water Safety

Manitoba is a land of many lakes, rivers, streams, and other wide access to bodies of water. Many of our communities are located beside water and children and youth have ready access to water for a wide range of activities. Deaths of children and youth from accidental drowning occur every year in Manitoba – between 2009 and 2014, there were 19 Manitoba children who died from drowning. As we emerge from winter and anticipate the spring thaw and its yearly increase of water-related activity, this special edition of The Megaphone looks at how to keep young people safe around water.

Issue 13: SPECIAL EDITION – Safe Sleep for Babies

Infants have an increased vulnerability of death when their sleeping environments are not carefully designed and monitored. Each year, our office is notified of infant deaths where risks in the baby’s sleep space were identified. To advocate for safer sleep and healthier babies, this special edition of The Megaphone looks at Safe Sleep – how to minimize risk and how to promote safety.

Issues 10-12: Foster Care

Manitoba foster families play a vital role in the care of vulnerable young people. This release of The Megaphone looks at some of the issues faced by young people, service providers, and caregivers working in the foster care system in the province.

Issues 7-9: Gang Interference in the Lives of Children & Youth

Our third installment of The Megaphone info sheets shines a light into the dark corners of street gangs and their impact on children and youth in Manitoba. We look at why young people might accept gang interference in their lives, what the impacts can include. We also challenge service providers to look critically at their own choices and how those choices can have an impact in the issue of gangs. We talk about labels and the need to meet youth with open minds and hearts in order to effectively support them and how communities can work to reclaim youth from gangs.

Issues 4-6: Navigating Adolescent Transition

Issues 1-3: The Importance of Attachment

In this first release of The Megaphone, we look at the issue of attachment and why early experiences for young children can lay the foundation for their future. We look at attachment theory, resilience, how care plans can impact very young children, and the importance of recognizing and addressing trauma.

Youth Suicide in Manitoba 2009-2012

Staff from the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth delivered a poster presentation at the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention 2013 conference in Winnipeg. Drawing on statistics and ongoing inquiry within the Special Investigation Review unit of MACY, our office was able to offer conference delegates some poignant analysis of issues and emerging trends in youth suicide within Manitoba.

A Message to Manitoba Foster Parents

Foster parents make up a large number of the calls we get each year requesting support and assistance from our staff of advocates. We want to make sure that all foster parents in Manitoba know that we see ourselves as allies to people who care for children. Foster parents call us for information and assistance with respect to reunification or transition plans, foster child removal concerns, issues regarding contact with assigned social workers, and more. In response to this, we produced an information sheet specifically for Manitoba foster parents.